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Read the Facebook Group Rules!
Read the List Rules!
Questions frequently asked to the list
Check to see if a post is suitable before posting!
A page of links to aid you in your use and management of your list settings!

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Is it a suitable topic for
or the EquineRepro Facebook Group?

These guidelines were originally written for the e-mail list and the Facebook Group is a little more relaxed (being "Social Media"!), so the guidelines below may not be as strictly enforced for that location, although the "no advertizing" - including gratuitous stallion name dropping - will be enforced and will get you removed! The aim is not to be overly restrictive, or to prevent fun, but to avoid a whole bunch of extraneous material getting mixed in with the valuable information that many posters provide. If you have any doubts as to whether a post is suitable, please apply the following questions to your post before posting!
  • Is it an advertisement for a horse or a stallion service for sale? If so - DO NOT POST!

  • Does it contain a stallion's name - whether it's your own stallion or not? If so - DO NOT POST!

  • Is it repeating an observation that has already been made? If so - DO NOT POST!

  • Is it a cross-post to multiple lists? This list and group is equine reproduction specific, so these multiple list posts are usually not suitable - DO NOT POST!

  • Is the post specifically related to equine reproduction? If not, it's not suitable - DO NOT POST!

  • Is it something that seems terribly important to you, and is perhaps related to some heart-tugging situation, but is still not equine reproduction oriented? If so - DO NOT POST!

  • If the post starts "this probably isn't suitable for this list/group" or "I know this is off topic", then it isn't suitable for the list and is probably off topic!!! DO NOT POST!

  • For the e-mail list - if you have not received list mail for a few days, and are wondering if is getting through to you so you thought you should check by sending an e-mail to the list saying something like "Checking the list"? DON'T DO IT!!!. Instead go to the list on-line and check to see if there have been any messages!

  • For the e-mail list - will the post add anything to the discussion, or is it merely a one liner such as "me too", "I want to know that too" or "thank you for your information"? Such posts are not suitable as they just take up space without adding to the discussion - DO NOT POST!

If you still have doubts about suitability, please contact the moderators for guidance.